- If we convert more than one Matlab function and some of the files generated by the Coder happen to have the same source and header file name, then we should change some of the file names by ourselves to make them different so as to prevent wrong results. After this, we must rewrite some of header file(s) and source file(s) contents. For example, if we have two Matlab functions files A.m and B.m to convert, each function may generate a name C/C++ file called "power.c." Despite their having the same file name, their contents are different. It is only of the Matlab Coder's internal design that they are given the same filename. Since one project cannot have two functions with the same file name, we can rename "power.c" to "Apower.c" for the A function and "Bpower.c" for the B function to differentiate them.
- When the error message: 'error LNKxxxx: "statement" already defined in OOO.obj' appears, it indicates repeated definitions in one project. We need to remove source files with repeated contents (even if they have different file names) and retain only one copy.
We show an example as below. In Xcode domain, we should include both function head files and one xxx_emxAPI.h. In our case, xxx called add. The results are: 翼はいならい: